Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Contributions of Isaac Newton Essay - 863 Words

Isaac Newton was born in England in 1642. He grew up never knowing his real father but resenting his step father. At age 19, Newton went off to Trinity College in Cambridge where he studied philosophers and astronomers such as Descartes, Galileo, Kepler, and Copernicus. It was here; while he obtained his degree, that Newton devised the theory of Calculus. He obtained his degree in 1665 and then dedicated his time to the binomial theory and Calculus.1 By 1666 Newton was the most advanced and enlightened mathematician our world had yet to see.2 Newton wrote in these beginning years as a physicist, â€Å"the nature of things is more securely and naturally deduced from their operations on one another than upon the senses; our explanation†¦show more content†¦3 * This statement contains two parts; the first being that which predicts the motion of a non moving object and the second being that which predicts the motion of moving object. * Here are a few examples of Newton’s first law: 5 o Dropping the handle of a hammer onto a hard surface in order tighten the head of the hammer more securely to the handle. 5 (This picture was taken from http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/newtlaws/U2L1a.html) o Catching a stick in the spokes of your bicycle while riding and being sent flying over the handle bars. 5 o Turing a mustard bottle upside down and slamming it down on the counter suddenly to bring the mustard to the cap so you can put it on your sandwich. 5 Newtons Second Law If a 50 kg man is making his way down the mall at a brisk pace of 2 meters per second what is the force acting on him? How do we go about solving this? Well according to Newton’s Second Law, the change in momentum is equal to the force. In other words force is equal to mass timesShow MoreRelatedThe Contributions of Isaac Newton Essay1128 Words   |  5 PagesIsaac Newton was an English Physicist, Mathematician, Astronomer, Philosopher, Alchemist and a Theologian. He can be seen as one of the most influential men in history, as well as one of the greatest scientists ever lived, for all of his contributions, discoveries and hard work. He was very influential in the Sciences, many are tied together with one another; he also made a great contribution to Astronomy. Isaac Newton was born January 4, 1963 in Woolsthrope, Lincolnshire. He died March 31, 1727Read More The Contributions of Isaac Newton Essay990 Words   |  4 PagesSir Isaac Newton was a profound mathematician and physicist, one of the primary scientificintellects of all time. 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