Monday, December 30, 2019

Islam An Arabic Word - 891 Words

Islam: This Arabic word is â€Å"derived from the word peace, purity and obedience† , peace with Allah and being committed to abide by the teachings and guidance of Him Almighty. Muslims believe that Allah (God) is the source of all purity and goodness and in the religious sense; Islam is the submission to the will of Allah. Islam also implicates living in peace within yourself and with other people in the world. Islam is the message of Allah, which is received by all His Prophets who appeared in any part of the world to all people through the history. A person who follows Islam is called a Muslim â€Å"this is an Arabic word means that a person is submitting to the will of Allah† . A Muslim believes that Allah’s messages included words His words and can never be changed. They were collected together to form the Muslims’ holy book, which is called the Qur’an. According to the Qur’an, Islam is the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus. However, it was displayed to Prophet Muhammad, in its complete and final shape. Today, Islam, according to the Pew study, is â€Å"the world’s fastest growing religion with more than one billion followers throughout the world† . The Basic Islamic Beliefs: Muslims see their religion as a path that must be followed, and always taking the straight path. It is a whole way of life and affects everything they do. To be a Muslim, one should believe fully in the following: 1) Belief in God: Muslims believe in one, unique GodShow MoreRelatedIslam : An Arabic Word That Means Peace, Security And Surrender1313 Words   |  6 PagesIslam is an Arabic word that means â€Å"peace, security and surrender.† Islam is one of the three Abrahamic faiths that has many of the same prophets, beliefs, and historical evidence as the other two religions, Christianity and Judaism. 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